2019: Blog in Review

By just about any measure—including the goals I identified last December—I was an abject failure. I wrote a total of six posts in 2019, including this one. Four of them were written in the first three months of the year and the fifth in August. The rest of the year? Nothing.

I’m not even sure what happened to be totally honest. It felt like I looked up and several months had passed and I hadn’t written anything. I made a note to do better. Then I looked up again, and the year was almost over. Yikes!

It’s not that I haven’t been researching or writing. I just haven’t been posting any of it here on the website. And if I’m honest with myself I don’t know if that will change in 2020. Although I’ve had several ideas for articles, it’s been hard to focus long enough to write them up. I’m hoping that will change, but no promises.

Top 10 Posts in 2019

So, without further ado, here are my top ten, “most viewed” posts in 2019 (as of 12/29):

  1. Ancestry’s Thrulines (New)
  2. Pennsylvania Warrant Township Maps (#8)
  3. Making a Deed Map from Old Metes and Bounds (#7)
  4. 5000 Acres — Where Did It All Go? (#5)
  5. Huber Emigrants (#6)
  6. My 23 and Me Results (New)
  7. Friday Finds: Trinity Lutheran Birth and Baptismal Records Online (#3)
  8. 5 Tips to Help You Get the Most Out of Your AncestryDNA Results (#4)
  9. How to Use the Online Land Records at the Pennsylvania State Archives (#2)
  10. Pennsylvania Genealogical County Map (#1)

A lot of old favorites on the list and a couple of more recent additions. Since I didn’t write ten posts in 2019, I can’t do a top ten from this year…

What’s Up for 2020?

My goal for 2020 is simple: Write.

That’s it. Regardless of whether I share it here or not, I need to start putting what I’ve found into something other than my Reunion file and stored source image folders.

So, that’s what I’m going to do. Feel free to ask me about it in the coming year.

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, "2019: Blog in Review," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 3 Jan 2020 (https://www.krishocker.com/2019-blog-in-review/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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