1835 Guardian Petition for Anthony Parsons’ Children

After learning that Anthony Parsons might be Sarah (Parsons) Leedy’s father, I decided to see if I could find more information on him. From his tombstone, I know that he died in 1834. So, I decided to see if I could find any estate records for him on FamilySearch.org.

The Pennsylvania Probate records on FamilySearch include will books and Orphans Court books for Perry County. I didn’t find a will for Anthony Parsons, but I did find two references to him in the Orphans Court books.

Anthony Parsons Petition for Guardians

January 1735 Petition for Guardians

The first is a petition on behalf of his minor children.1 In the January 1835 term a petition was made on behalf of George, Anthony, Sarah and William Parsons, the minor children of Anthony Parsons, late of Perry County by the mother Catharine Parsons. The petition states that they were all under the age of 14—therefore born after 1821—and requests the court to appoint a suitable guardian. George Parsons, quite possibly Anthony’s brother, was named as guardian.

The second reference was for the settling of Anthony’s estate. The Register of Perry County presented a copy of George Varns’ administration of Anthony’s estate to the court on 4 April 1836.2 There was a balance of $16.79 due to the administrator.

So far, the details are consistent with Anthony being the father of Sarah (Parsons) Leedy. What more can we find?


  1. “Anthony Parsons, dec’d Petition for Guardian,” Perry County Orphans Court Book B:325; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994” (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-28760-10422-48?cc=1999196&wc=MM5Y-W43:n37622396 : accessed 18 Nov 2012); citing Perry County Register of Wills and Clerk of Courts, Bloomfield, Pennsylvania.
  2. “Parsons, Anthony, Administration account settled,” Perry County Orphans Court Book B:385; digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994” (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.3.1/TH-1971-28760-10422-48?cc=1999196&wc=MM5Y-W43:n37622396 : accessed 18 Nov 2012); citing Perry County Register of Wills and Clerk of Courts, Bloomfield, Pennsylvania.

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, "1835 Guardian Petition for Anthony Parsons’ Children," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 2 Jul 2017 (https://www.krishocker.com/1835-guardian-petition-for-anthony-parsons-children/ : accessed 22 Jan 2025).

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2 Replies to “1835 Guardian Petition for Anthony Parsons’ Children”

  1. Candyce Williams Glaser 5 May 2014 at 6:25 pm

    I would like to cite this page on a private Ancestry.com tree. Thank you for your consideration of this matter.

    1. Certainly, Candyce. Please include the “Cite this Page” information and link back to this page.

      Thank you.

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