Will: Henry Landis (1785)
Henry Landis of Derry Township wrote his last will and testament on 26 April 1785 and it was proven on 29 November 1785. It was written in German. I found this translation in Dauphin County Will Book A, page 34.
The translation from the German of the last Will & Testament of Henry Lands
In the name of god Amen April 26th 1785.
I Henry Landis living in Derry Township Lancaster County am sick of the body but yet of Sound Knowledge therefore it is my Will where with the lord blessed me I dispose of as followsFirst it is my last Will & Testament that my wife Anna shall have one bed and bedstead Two cows one Horse [Creative?] the Saddle and Briddle thereto and the horse on a ture[??] and Cows to be fed with their own & to be pastured with their own and the Third of the Personal Estate all that I have and to Live in my house or to have one built for her and well Finished out and Fire wood to be brought home and but short Short for her as much as She shall nead [sic] and the one half of the Kitchen Garden which is also to be Duly Dugned [dunged?] and Rowed, and apple as many as She shall Need or the Third Part of the Orchard and the Third Part of the Income of the Place of all they Shall Plant or Sow & two Sheep to be Kept and Fed for her Widowhood & not Longer; and him who Possesseth my Place Shall Deliver the Grain on the loft well clained [sic] the Meadow Shall belong to him whom hath the place but if he Doth not Feed the Horse and Cows well for my Said Wif [sic] She Shall have a Right to Take Fother [sic] as much as will be necessary for such Chattle [sic] as above mentioned
Item It is my will that my Son Felix Shall have my place which I now live on for eight Hundred Pounds Good and Lawful money and he shall pay every year Twenty five Pounds until the whole is paid and he Shall of What Remaineth have not more than one of my others and my Son Henry shall Draw the First Payment as much as Shall be coming to him for the Share of my Estate and my other Children Each of them Shall Receive Twenty-five pounds according to sincerity[?] yearly untill [sic] the Whole is Paid and my Said son Felix Shall have my PLace to him and his heirs as above specified or mentioned
Item It is my Last Will & Testament I nominate & coose [sic] for Executors Christian Stauffer and my Brother Son John Landis which I Acknowledge with my own hand in Present of these Presents
Christian Obre
Martin Bradnt[?] } Henry his X mark Landis (seal)Proved this twenty ninth day of November one thousand seven hundred & Eighty Five
J Montgomery Regr1
Henry Landis was my 6x great grandfather.
- Henry Landis will, dated 26 Apr 1785, “Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994,” digital image, FamilySearch.org (https://familysearch.org/ : accessed 11 Mar 2013); citing Dauphin County Will Book A:34, Dauphin County Register of Wills, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Will: Henry Landis (1785)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 14 Aug 2017 (https://www.krishocker.com/will-henry-landis-1785/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).
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Reading this has opened my eyes and now more than ever I want to see how I’m connected Henry Landis. Please email me at phaney@ccps.org.