Tombstone Tuesday: Frederick Waage (1797-1884)

Rev. Caius Frederic Sophus Waage (1797-1884)

Rev. Caius Frederic Sophus Waage (1797-1884)

Rev. Caius Frederic Sophus Waage was born on 17 Aug 1797 in the Schleswig, Holstein, Denmark 1 He died 23 Aug 1884 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania. He married Angelina Garber, daughter (I believe) of Benjamin and Hannah (Reiner) Garber. She died in 1897 in Pennsburg, Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.


  1. At the time the Duchy of Holstein was part of Denmark

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, "Tombstone Tuesday: Frederick Waage (1797-1884)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 28 Dec 2010 ( : accessed 22 Dec 2024).

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