Part I: Georg Huber and Anna Maria Hooß

Recently, I’ve been looking into Hans George Huber and his wife Anna Maria Hooß. For no other reason than that he’s a Huber and his children share some of the same given names as my ancestor Michael Huber’s children. It’s a long shot, but I figured it was worth a little research. I like research.

Most of what I have is information I’ve pulled from around the internet. Since quite a bit of it is not sourced, I’ve been verifying information where possible. This couple was Lutheran and had a number of children baptized at Muddy Creek and Warwick in the 1740s:1

  1. Johann Philipp Huber was born 28 Dec 1740 and baptized 26 January 1741 at Muddy Creek. His sponsors were Adam Ulrich and his wife Julianna.
  2. Julianna Huber was born 8 May 1743 and baptized at Warwick on 14 May 1743. She was also sponsored Adam Ulrich and wife.
  3. Anna Maria Huber was born 3 October 1744 and baptized at Warwick on 4 November 1744, sponsored by Adam Ulrich and wife.
  4. Anna Margaretha Huber was born 20 March 1746 and baptized at Warwick on 23 March 1746. She was sponsored by Sebastian Näss and his wife.
  5. Johann Friederich Huber was born 9 January 1748 and baptized 17 January 1748 at Warwick, sponsored also by Sebastian Näss and his wife.

George and Anna Maria also sponsored children of Adam Ulrich and Sebastian Näss, as follows:2

  1. Johan Georg Ulrich, son of Adam and Julianna, was born 6 November 1739 and baptized 16 December 1739 at Muddy Creek.
  2. Anna Maria Ulrich, daughter of Adam and Julianna, was born 10 February 1742 and baptized 28 March 1742 at Muddy Creek.
  3. Julianna Ulrich, daughter of Adam and Julianna, was born 2 April 1744 and baptized 8 April 1744 at Warwick.
  4. Sebastian Näss, son of Sebastian, was born 31 May 1745 and baptized 30 June 1745 at Warwick.

Usually when you see baptismal patterns like this, it suggests a familial relationship between the parents. At a minimum, given the years involved, it suggests that they may have been from the same area in Germany.

Emigration from Germany

I know from my Hacker family research that Sebastian emigrated in 17383 and was from Rußheim, a village in Baden-Durlach.4 He arrived on the Friendship on 20 September 1738. A little research into George and Adam shows that they were from Blankenloch and Büchig, two other villages in Baden-Durlach, just north of Karlsruhe.5

Both George and Adam received permission to leave Germany in October 1737. Adam can be found on the ship’s list for the snow Fox which arrived in Philadelphia on 12 October 1738.6 Werner indicates that, like Sebastian, George arrived on the Friendship. However, the ship’s list contains only “Jacob Hoover” and “Michael Hooverich” as possible matches for George and both men’s age is shown as 25.7

I’m a little perplexed on how to rationalize “George” as “Jacob.”  Take a look at the signature from the ship’s list.

Hans Jacob Huber from ship's list

On both list B and C, Hans Jacob signed with his mark (H).8 List A is not included for this ship in Volume II of Pennsylvania German Pioneers, but his name is given as “Jacob Hoover” on the captain’s list as well, according to the list in Volume I. Since he didn’t actually sign his own name, I suppose it’s possible that the clerk got it wrong, but you would think the captain would have had the correct name for his passenger. Right?

Suffice it to say, that I don’t know for sure exactly when George arrived. It’s extremely likely that he arrived in the fall of 1738 with a number of other emigrants from Baden-Durlach, especially given his later connections to Adam and Sebastian. However, the ships’ lists do not provide evidence of his arrival. He was absolutely here by 9 November 1739 when he and his wife sponsored Adam’s son Georg, but beyond that is not yet determined.

In Blankenloch

Since Adam and George were from Büchig and Blankenloch, I consulted the ortssippenbuch for information on their families.9 While it provided valuable information, I can’t say it cleared much up for me.

Check back tomorrow for the continuation.

Update (10/4)
hans george huber signature

Hans George Huber’s signature

I remembered I had the signatures of the original members of the Warwick congregation in 1743. Hans Georg Huber signed as a member and representative of his family. This makes it even more unlikely, in my opinion, that he was the “Hans Jacob Hoover” on the Friendship’s passenger lists.


  1. Frederick S. Weiser, Records of Pastoral Acts at Emanuel Lutheran Church, known in the eighteenth century as the Warwick congregation, near Brickerville, Elizabeth Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania (Breinigsville, PA : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1983), page 25.
  2. Weiser, Records of Pastoral Acts at Emanuel Lutheran Church (Breinigsville, PA : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1983), pages 21 and 36.
  3. Ralph Beaver Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers A Publication of the Original Lists of Arrivals in the Port of Philadelphia, from 1727 to 1808 (Norristown, Pennsylania : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1934, ), Volume I 1727-1775, pages 226, 228, and 230; online, Internet Archive ( : accessed 2 Oct 2016).
  4. Wilhelm Ludwig Lang, Rußheimer Familien Ortissippenbuch 1692 bis 1920 (Dettenheim, Germany : Gemeinde Dettenheim, 2003), pages 411 and 412.
  5. Werner Hacker, Auswanderungen aus Baden und dem Breisgau (Stuttgart, Aalen : Theiss, 1980), pages 403 and 644, entries #4357 and #10291.
  6. Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers (Norristown, Pennsylania : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1934, ), Volume I 1727-1775, pages 231, 232, and 233; online, Internet Archive ( : accessed 2 Oct 2016).
  7. Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers (Norristown, Pennsylania : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1934, ), Volume I 1727-1775, pages 231, 232, and 233; online, Internet Archive ( : accessed 2 Oct 2016).
  8.  Strassburger, Pennsylvania German Pioneers (Norristown, Pennsylania : The Pennsylvania German Society, 1934, ), Volume II, pages 234, and 236; online, Internet Archive ( : accessed 2 Oct 2016).
  9. It includes both Büchig and Blankenloch as they are adjoining towns and Büchig residents used the church in Blankenloch.

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, "Part I: Georg Huber and Anna Maria Hooß," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 4 Oct 2016 ( : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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