Part 2: Ulrich Hoover of York & Adams Counties, Pennsylvania

While I was researching Ulrich Hoover of York & Adams Counties, I decided to put together a timeline that included all the information I’d found for “Ulrich Huber” in York County & the surrounding area for the late 1700s. I wanted to see what I had, whether or not it made sense, and whether or not I could determine that it all applied to the same man.

Here’s what I found:

18 Dec 1751: John Ulrick Hoover warranted 50 acres in Codorus Township, York County.1

10 Feb 1754: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber’s son Jacob was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.2 Jacob and Esther Keller were the sponsors.3

8 Aug 1756: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber’s son Daniel was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.4 Daniel and Elisabeth Renolly were the sponsors.5

25 Mar 1760: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber’s daughter Susanna was baptized at St. Jacob’s (Stone) Union Church.6

26 Jun 1760: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber’s son Johan Daniel was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.7 Daniel and Elisabeth Renolly were the sponsors.8

4 Nov 1760: Ulrich Hoober sold 50 acres in Codorus Township to Conrad Supinger.9

15 Aug 1762: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber’s daughter Anna Maria was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.10 Görg & Anna Maria Lickefelder were the sponsors.11

 6 Dec 1763: Ulrick Hoover purchased lot 78 in Taneytown, Carroll County, Maryland from Raphael Taney.12

 Dec 1763: Ulrich & Susanna Huber’s son Michael was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.13 Michael & Catharina Böhler were the sponsors.14

22 Jun 1764: Ulrich Hoover purchased “Resurvey on Brothers Agreement” from Raphael Taney.15

5 Feb 1765: Ulrich Hoover purchased lot 89 in Taneytown from Raphael Taney.16

30 Apr 1765: Ulrich Huber received a warrant for 50 acres in Codorus Township, York County. 17 He also received a warrant for 100 acres in Codorus Township.18

 Aug 1765: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber were sponsors for Johan Jacob Schreyer, son of Johannes and Maria Margreth Schreyer, and Johan Peter Sprengel, son of Heinrich and Anna Maria Sprengel.19

27 Dec 1765: Ulrich & Susanna Huber’s daughter Maria Barbara was baptized by Rev. Jacob Lischy.20 Michael Noll and Anna Marg. Fischbornin [Fischborn] were the sponsors.21

5 Jun 1766: Ulrich Hoover purchased lot 3 from Andrew Stiger in Taneytown.22

Jul 1766: Ulrich & Anna Maria Huber were sponsors for Anna Maria Kohn, daughter of Jacob & Magdalena Kohn.23

11 Aug 1767: Ulrich & Susanna Huber’s daughter Anna Catharina was baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church.24 She was born 7 Aug 1767.

23 Sep 1768: Ulrich & Anna Maria Hoover sold lots 3, 7, 8 in Taneytown and Resurvey on Brother’s Agreement to Mark Alexander.25

 4 Aug 1769: Ulrich & Susanna Huber’s son Johan Jacob was born.26 He was baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church on 8 Aug 1769.

28 Aug 1769: Ulrich Hoover purchased lot 15 in Taneytown from Robert Owings.27

8 Sep 1769: Ulrich Hoover sold 2 horses and a cow to Jacob Good.28

31 Dec 1773: Ulrich & Eva Huber’s daughter Eva was born.29 She  baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church on 2 Jan 1774.30

13 Sep 1774: Ulrick Hoober received a warrant for 100 acres adjoining his lands near George Werly & Stephen Peter.31

 10 Jan 1776: Ulrich & Eva Huber’s son Johann George was born.32 He was baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church on 3 Mar 1776.33

20 Aug 1778: Ulrich & Eva Huber’s son Jacob was born.34 He was baptized on 4 Oct 1778 in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church.

1779: Ulrich Hoober was taxed on 300 acres in Codorus Township, York County, Pennsylvania.35

1780: Ulrich Huber was taxed on 200 acres in Codorus Township, York County, Pennsylvania.36

 26 Sep 1780: An unnamed child was born to Ulrich and Eva Huber.37 This child—most likely Henry—was baptized on 25 Oct 1780.

1781: Ulrich Huber was taxed on 300 acres and 3 mills in Codorus Township, York County, Pennsylvania.38

1782: Ulrich Huber was taxed on 300 acres in Codorus Township, York County, Pennsylvania.39

28 Oct 1782: Uli & Catharina Huber’s son Christian was born.40 Christian was baptized at St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church.

3 Oct 1785: Ulrich & Eva Huber’s son Peter was born.41 He was baptized on 18 Dec 1785 in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church.

18 Dec 1788: Ulrich & Eva Huber’s daughter Maria Elisabeth was born.42 She was baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church on 29 Jan 1789.

30 May 1791: Ulrich and Eva Huber’s daughter Annmaria was born.43 She was baptized on 10 Jul 1791 in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church.

9 Dec 1791: George Keller of Manheim Township names his “trusty friend Ulrich Huber” to be one of the executors of his estate.44

12 Mar 1793: Ulrich and Eva Huber’s daughter Barbara was born.45 She was baptized in St. Jacob’s (Stone) Church on 9 May 1793.

13 Apr 1798: Letters of Testamentary were issued on the estate of George Keller of Manheim Township to Ulrich Huber and Michael Miller.46

 Aug 1807: The York County Orphans Court appointed Christian Lentz as guardian for David and Sarah Hoover, aged 10, children of Ulrich Hoover, late of Reading Township.47

Did you see the inconsistencies? Looking at the data in an integrated timeline helped me come to a couple of conclusions. I’ll tell you about them in my next post.

Read more:


  1. John Ulrich Hoober warrant, 18 Dec 1751, York County land warrant H35 (microfilm), Records of the Land Office, Record Group 17, series 53, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  2. John T. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730—1800 (Washington, D.C.: Larjon & Co., 1998), page 193.
  3. Lineages, Inc., comp., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1744-69: Jacob Lischy’s Private Pastoral Record; database online, ( : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  4. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 195.
  5. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  6. Richard Smallwood, “A PA/MD Hoover Family Update,” 12 Dec 2002,, Hoover-L mailing list, <>, date viewed not recorded.
  7. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 196.
  8. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  9. Mary Marshall Brewer, Land records of York County, Pennsylvania (Lewes, Delaware: Colonial Roots, 2002-2004), volume one, page 96.
  10. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County 1730-1800, page 195.
  11. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  12. Raphael Taney to Ulrick Hoover (1763), Frederick County Deed Book J:21; online,, “Frederick County Court  (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  13. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 196.
  14. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  15. Raphael Taney to Ulrick Hoover (1764), Frederick County Deed Book J:584; online,, “Frederick County Court  (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  16. Raphael Taney to Ulrich Hoover (1765), Frederick County Deed Book J:1035; online,, “Frederick County Court  (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  17. Ulrich Huber warrant, 30 Apr 1765, York County land warrant H116 (microfilm), Records of the Land Office, Record Group 17, series 53, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  18. Ulrich Huber warrant, 30 Apr 1765, York County land warrant H117 (microfilm), Records of the Land Office, Record Group 17, series 53, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  19. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  20. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 196.
  21. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  22. Andrew Stiger to Ulrich Hoover (1766), Frederick County Deed Book K:530; online,, “Frederick County Court (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  23. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records; database online,
  24. Lineages, Inc., comp., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online, ( : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  25. Ulrich Hoover to Mark Alexander (1768), Frederick County Deed Book L:512; online,, “Frederick County Court (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  26. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  27. Robert Owings to Ulrich Hoover (1769), Frederick County Deed Book M:466; online,, “Frederick County Court (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  28. Ulrick Hoover to Jacob Good (1769), Frederick County Deed Book M:477; online,, “Frederick County Court (Land Records)” ( : accessed 20 Mar 2010).
  29. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 195.
  30. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  31. Ulrich Huber warrant, 13 Sep 1774, York County land warrant H199 (microfilm), Records of the Land Office, Record Group 17, series 53, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
  32. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 196.
  33. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  34. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  35. Ulrich Hoober entry, “Return of the Taxables of the County of York for the Year 1779,” Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Volume XXI, page 78; digital image,, “Pennsylvania Archives” (|3038998 : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  36. Ulrich Huber entry, “Return of the Taxables of the County of York for the Year 1780,” Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Volume XXI, page 251; digital image,, “Pennsylvania Archives” (|3039399 : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  37. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  38. Ulrich Huber entry, “Return of the Taxables of the County of York for the Year 1781,” Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Volume XXI, page 464; digital image,, “Pennsylvania Archives” (|3040008 : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  39. Ulrich Huber entry, “Return of the Taxables of the County of York for the Year 1782,” Pennsylvania Archives, Series 3, Volume XXI, page 544; digital image,, “Pennsylvania Archives” (|3041187 : accessed 6 Jan 2013).
  40. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, York County, 1730-1800, page 195.
  41. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  42. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  43. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  44. George Keller will (1795), York County Will Book J:422, digital images, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994” ( : accessed 12 Jan 2013); citing York County Register of Wills, York, Pennsylvania.
  45. Lineages, Inc., York County, Pennsylvania Church Records, 1760-1800: Codorus Township; database online,
  46. George Keller will (1795), York County Will Book J:422, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania Probate Records, 1683-1994.”
  47. Guardian appointed, Ulrich Hoover estate (1807), Orphans Court Book A:264, digital image, FamilySearch, “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994” ( : accessed 6 Jul 2012), citing Adams County Clerk of the Orphans Court, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.

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, "Part 2: Ulrich Hoover of York & Adams Counties, Pennsylvania," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 7 Aug 2022 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

Content copyright © 2022 Kris Hocker. Please do not copy without prior permission, attribution, and link back to this page.

2 Replies to “Part 2: Ulrich Hoover of York & Adams Counties, Pennsylvania”

  1. Richard A. Smallwood 24 Aug 2013 at 11:49 pm

    Ulrick Huber died in Adams Co. PA intestate, but seized and possessed of real property so his executors had to identify his widow and his other heirs. I have a photocopy of the list of heirs if you wish a copy.

    1. Richard, I would love to see any information you’d like to share. Most of my research here was based on your very informative postings to the Hoover-L mailing list, baptism records, probate records and Orphans’ Court records, but I’m always interested in more information.

      Are you familiar with another Ulrich Huber who was married to an Anna Maria (___) and may have removed from York County to Taneytown, Maryland? I’m trying to see if I can discover who Christian Hoover of Heidbelberg Township was referring to when he named his three brothers—Ulrich, Jacob and Henry—in his will. He left money to his nieces and nephews, but did not actually name any of them. My attempts to track down any record of payment from the estate have gone nowhere…


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