Mock Wedding Features Scotch Hallowe’en Party

Aunt Jean used to make reference to her “Aunt Jessie” and “Uncle Lou” Orr. They weren’t really her aunt and uncle; they were close friends of her parents. In honor of Halloween today, I thought I’d share an article about a Halloween party they held 103 years ago.

1915 Telegraph Mock Wedding Features Scotch Hallowe'en Party

Telegraph article from 30 October 1915

In 1915, Will, Isabel and their infant daughter Bonnie attended the party at the Orr’s house with a host of other people. They included:

Mrs. Sandy Wallace, Mrs. Arthur Reid, Mrs. A. P. Kitchen, Edith Mayhew, L.G. Orr, Johanna Dwyer, Martha Ross, Ruth Youtzy, Mary Ditmer, Janet Wallace, Ruth Kline, Marion Black, Belle Sanderson, Agness Orr, Janet Sanderson, Mary Sanderson, Catherine Sanderson, Louise Orr, Alice Orr, Arthur Reid, Foster Kitchen, Bessie Black, Mr. and Mrs. George Charters, Mr. and Mrs. James Sanderson, Mrs. E. Cochran [Isabel (Smith) Hocker’s mother], Mrs. Allison Trotter, Sandy Wallace, Robert Smith [Isabel’s brother], Archie Black, A.P. Kitchen, and Mrs. L.G. Orr.

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, "Mock Wedding Features Scotch Hallowe’en Party," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 18 Jan 2018 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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