Jacob Hoober 1733 Warrant

Having written about how to use the online land records at the Pennsylvania State Archives, it’s only fair that I provide examples of what each document entails.
This example features the 1733 land warrant of Jacob Hoober for 210 acres on Pequea Creek. This piece of property sits south of Pequea Creek in present-day Providence Township. It can be seen on the Providence Warrantee Township map to the right in the top row of tracts.
The first page of the warrant indicates the date of the warrant, the warrant number, the amount of land and the name of the warrantee.
The second page is the actual warrant. It states:
“Pennsylvania, SS.
By the Proprietaries.
At the Request of Jacob Hoober of the County of Lancaster that We would grant him to take up Two hundred & ten Acres of Land lying on a Branch of Pequea in the said County of Lancaster for which He agrees to pay to our Use at the Rate of Fifteen Pounds ten Shillings current Money of this Province for One hundred Acres and the yearly Quit-rent of one Halfpenny [?] for every Acre thereof; THESE are to authorize and require thee to survey or cause to be survey’d unto the said Jacob Hoober at the Place aforesaid, according to the Method of Townships appointed the said Quantity of 210 Acres that hath not been already survey’d or appropriated, and make Return thereof into the Secretary’s Office, in order for a further Confirmation; which Survey in case the said Jacob Hoober fulfill the above Agreement within six Months from the date hereof, shall be valid, otherwise to be void. GIVEN under my Hand, and the lesser Seal of our Province, at Philadelphia, this twenty fourth Day of January Anno Dom. 1733
to Benjamin Eastburn, Surveyor General
These images are actual photos taken from the microfilm reader. A printed copy would be clearer and more legible.
- Jacob Hoober warrant, 24 Jan 1733, Lancaster County Land Warrant H6, Records of the Land Office, Record Group 17, series 53, Pennsylvania State Archives, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania ↩
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Kris Hocker, "Jacob Hoober 1733 Warrant," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 16 Apr 2012 (https://www.krishocker.com/jacob-hoober-1733-warrant/ : accessed 4 Mar 2025).
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