Adam Hocker
Adam2 Hocker (Unknown1) was born 19 October 1812 in Hummelstown, Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He died 26 September 1870, at age of 57 years, 11 months, 7 days in Swatara Township, Dauphin County and is buried in the Churchville cemetery, Oberlin, Swatara Township.[1]
Adam was married in Salem Lutheran Church, possibly in Lebanon County, on 22 February 1838 to Eve Hamaker.[2] She was born 24 June 1817 in Pennsylvania, died 14 November 1892 when age 75 years, 4 months, and 21 days.[3] She was buried with her husband. Eve was the daughter of Adam Hamaker Jr., a farmer of Derry township, Dauphin county, and Mollie Snavely.
Adam was a farmer and they were of the Lutheran faith. The family resided in Derry Township through 1850. In 1852, Adam purchased land in Swatara Township from Henry and Mary Miller, and Michael and Elizabeth Frantz.[4]
After Adam’s death in 1870, guardians were appointed for his children as follows: “Upon the petition of Eve Hocker, widow of Adam Hocker… asks the Court to appoint John Hocker, of Swatara township in said county guardian of” Ann Hocker.[5] The Court appointed Nathaniel Shope as the guardian of Melinda Hocker and Martin Hocker, children over 14 years of age.[6]
Adam Hocker, Jr. petitioned the court to partition his father’s estate in 1870. In the petition her stated that the “decedent left a widow and 9 children, Jacob, John, Adam, Elizabeth Cumbler, wife of George Cumbler, Sarah, David, Melinda, Martin and Anne, all of age except the last 4 named who are minors and have John Hocker and N. Shope for their guardians. All except Jacob, who lives near Fort Union in New Mexico, live in said County Tract situate in Swatara Township adjacent lands of John C. Kunkel, esq., David Hurst, Henry Zimmerman, David Over and others.”[7]
When Eve Hocker died in 1892, her obituary appeared in the Middletown Journal, as follows:
Mrs. Adam Hocker, of Oberlin, died yesterday morning at one o’clock, from paralysis. She was seventy-two years of age and was well known, having lived there for many years. Deceased was a good Christian woman and beloved by all who knew her. Eight grown-up children survive her. The funeral will take place on Friday morning at ten o’clock, and the remains will be buried in the Oberlin cemetery.[8]
Adam and Eve (Hamaker) Hocker had the following children:
- Jacob H.3 Hocker was born 10 January 1839 in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died 1 March 1911 in Indianapolis, Indiana. Jacob married twice, first to Catharine Eshnour in 1859, and second to Barbara Leonhart 31 December 1874 in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- John Hocker was born 17 January 1841 in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died 18 February 1905 in Oberlin, Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in Churchville Cemetery He married Rebecca Brenner 7 November 1861 in Zion Lutheran Church.
- Adam H. Hocker was born 15 January 1843 in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died 11 June 1902 in Harrisburg. He was buried 14 June 1902 in Churchville Cemetery. He married Martha Shope, daughter of Nathaniel Shope and Martha Garman, circa 1886.
- Mary Elizabeth Hocker was born circa 1844/45 in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. She married George W. Cumbler 7 February 1866 in Zion Lutheran Church.
- Sarah Hocker was born 19 September 1848 in Derry Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania and died 13 April 1930. She was buried in Chambers Hill Cemetery, Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. She married Peter Page 14 September 1871 in Zion Lutheran Church.
- David R. Hocker was born 1 December 1850 and died 21 November 1887, in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He was buried in Shoop’s Cemetery, Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. David was a physician. He married Esther “Hettie” Rudy, daughter of Joseph Frederick Rudy and Hettie Landis, 4 February 1876 in Shoop’s Reformed Church, Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Hettie was born 3 January 1854. She died 11 May 1894 and was buried 14 May 1894 in Shoop’s Cemetery with her husband.[9]
- Malinda Hocker was born 1852/53 in either Derry or Swatara Townships, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. She probably died in Michigan. Malinda married Wilson Smioth, who probably died in Berrien Center, Berrien County, Michigan. No more is currently known about them. [Dauphin County records list a daughter Eve born to Adam and Eve (Hamaker) Hocker 19 Jan 1853 in Upper Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Perhaps the name was an error based on the mother’s name?]
- Martin M. Hocker was born 15 May 1855, probably in Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. He died on the 25th of April (year unknown, but after 1920) and was buried in Churchville Cemtery, Oberlin, Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Circa 1872, he married Mary Elizabeth Marburger.
- Anna C. Hocker was born circa 1859/60, probably in Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. She She married twice, first, on 17 Feb 1887 at Steelton, by Rev. Martin Peter Hocker, to Charles Leonhart, son of Jacob Leonhart. When they were married, Anna was age 27 and of Oberlin, Swatara Township, and Charles was age 30, and of Steelton. They divorced in April 1889 in Dauphin County, Pennsylvania. Shortly thereafter, she was married on 15 September 1889 to William Longenecker. When they married, Anne was age 29, divorced and residing in Swatara Township; William was age 28, single, a steelworker, residing in Steelton.
This Adam Hocker was incorrectly attributed to the family of John4 Hocker (Johan Adam3, Johan Adam2, Christoph1) and Catherine Stierling in William Wingeard’s A German-American Hacker-Hocker Genealogy. John4 did, in fact, have a son named Adam. However, my research shows that his son Adam removed to Ohio with the rest of the family. Additionally, this Adam Hocker was born approximately 14 years before John4‘s son, Adam.
- Adam Hocker gravestone, Churchville Cemetery, Oberlin, Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, photographed by Kris Hocker 2 September 2000.
- Lutheran Theological Seminary, Lebanon County church records (Gettyburg, Pennsylvania: Lutheran Theological Seminary, 1969), Volume 9: Salem Evangelical Lutheran Church, Lebanon: marriages 1794-1876, Page 148; Pennsylvania State Library, Forum Building, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Eve Hocker gravestone, Churchville Cemetery, Oberlin, Swatara Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Photographed by Kris Hocker, Saturday, 2 September 2000.
- Dauphin County Deed Book C, Volume 4: page 722 and 724, 11 Dec 1852; Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Dauphin County Orphans Court Book R: page 336, 18 Oct 1870, Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Dauphin County Orphan Court Book R: page 337, 18 Oct 1870; Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Dauphin County Orphans Court Book R: page 344, 18 Oct 1870; Dauphin County Courthouse, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania.
- Eve (Hamaker) Hocker obituary, The Middletown Journal, Middletown, Pennsylvania, Wednesday, 16 Nov 1892, Page 1.
- D. R. and Hettie Rudy Hocker gravestone, Rudy Plot, Shoop’s Cemetery, Lower Paxton Township, Dauphin County, Pennsylvania, Photographed by Kris Hocker, 5 April 2002.
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Kris Hocker, "Adam Hocker," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 7 Sep 2014 ( : accessed 31 Mar 2025).
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