Amanuensis Monday — Partition of Thomas Kinnard’s Estate (Part 2)
Here’s part two of Thomas Kinnard’s estate records. (You can read part one here.)
In pursuance of a writ of Partition or valuation on the Real Estate of Thomas Kinnard late of Burrel [sic] Township Deceased by the Orphan’s Court of the County of Armstrong granted and to R M Kiskaden Esq High Sheriff of the County aforesaid directed.
Surveyed on the 9th day of February AD 1866 In pursuance of the said writ of Partition and to the heirs and legal Representatives of the said Thomas Kinnard Decd the above described trace of land situate in Burrell Township Armstrong County and divided into three parts as above marked A. B. & C viz That part of the tract of land marked A contains fifty seven acres and eleven perches that part marked B contains seventy six acres and twenty nine perches that part of the diagram marked C Contains thirty six acres and twenty four perches making in the whole tract of land one hundred and sixty nine acres and sixty four perches strict measure.
Alexander Gordon Artist
And now to wit: 5th March AD 1866 Inquisition Confirmed and a Rule on the heirs and legal Representatives of said deceased to appear on the first day of next term (being the 4th day of June 1866) and accept or refuse the premises at the valuation thereof of show cause why the same should not be sold. Personal notice on all parties interested.
By the Court
Rule issued 21 March AD 1866
May 2nd 1866 Served on Robert Klingensmith and wife Benjamin F. Kinnard and wife William Mansfield and wife Henry George Kinnard. May 24th on Lebius Kunkle & wife by Reading and copies. so ans. W W Bony Dep Sheriff
April 27th 1866 Served on Henry Darbaker and his wife by reading and copy. so ans R M Kiskaden Sheriff
Served May 2rd 1866 the within notices on Christ Hoover and Caroline Hoover personally by reading so ans. Wm Dunlap Dep Sheriff of Jefferson Co. Pa
And now to wit: 4th June AD 1866 this cause came on to be [heard?] on return of the Rule upon the heirs to accept of refuse the several allotments according to law and all the heirs being severally called according to law came as follows: Benjamin F. Kinnard who accepts of allotment “B” William Mansfield who in right of his wife Christena and accepted allotment “A” and Lebuis Kunkle who in right of his wife Sarah accepted of Allotment “C” and the said several parties offered to the Court as sureties as follows: Benjamin F. Kinnard Wm. Deshong, Wm Mansfield, Samuel Mansfield Senr, and Lebuis Kunkel and Daniel Kunkle . Whereupon the Court do now hear order adjudge and decree as follows to wit: That B.F. Kinnard take and hold to him and his heirs & assigns in fee simple the said allotment “B” and that the said Wm Mansfield in right of his said wife take and hold to them and his heirs & assigns in fee simple the said allotment “A” and that the said Lebius Kunkle in the right of his said wife take and hold to him and his heirs and assigns in fee simple the said allotment “C” And that said acceptants Severally pay to the other heirs their part of the said valuation money and that the costs be paid out of the said valuation money and the Court approve the Sureties as aforesaid
By the Court
Recognizance executed and file
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Kris Hocker, "Amanuensis Monday — Partition of Thomas Kinnard’s Estate (Part 2)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 30 Mar 2013 ( : accessed 4 Mar 2025).
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