Henry Hoover of Lancaster County, PA and Rockingham County, VA

On 11 October 1791, Henry Huber of Martic Township married Barbara Huber (Jacob3, Johan Jacob2, Hans1) also of Martic Township, Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. Barbara inherited “the land whereon they now live” in Rockingham County, Virginia from her father Jacob Huber’s estate in 1810.1 Presumably the family moved from Pennsylvania to Virginia prior to 6 November 1808 when Jacob wrote his last will and testament.

Barbara’s ancestry was documented in Harry Huber’s The Huber-Hoover Family History, but who was this Henry Huber and how does he relate to the Hoover families who resided along Pequea Creek?

Assuming that these census records all relate to one man and that he was husband of Barbara Hoover, Henry Huber of Rockingham County, Virginia was:

  • 26-44 in 18102,
  • 45+ in 18203,
  • 50-60 in 18304,
  • and 70-80 in 1840.5

This places Henry’s birth between 1770 and 1775, and given that he married in 1791, quite possibly before 1771, plus or minus a couple of years.6

There were several Hoover families in Martic Township at that time—several of whom had children named Henry:

  1. Henry Huber (John2, Henry1 [K])
  2. Henry Huber (Jacob2, Henry1 [K2])
  3. Henry Huber (John2, Jacob1)
  4. Henry Huber (Ulrich1)
  5. Henry Huber (Jacob2, Ulrich1)
  6. Henry Huber (Ulrich2, Ulrich1)

Which of these men—if any—were possible candidates to be Barbara Hoover’s husband? Check back for future posts where I’ll outline the information I’ve compiled for each of these men.


  1. Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, Will Book K:239-242, Jacob Huber will (1810); Pennsylvania State Archives, records group 47, roll 2356; “Item I give and bequeath unto my Daughter Barbara (the wife of Henry Hoober) my Tract of Land Situate in Rockingham County in the State of Virginia containing one Hundred and Forty acres (more of less) being the same whereon they now live To hold the said Land with the Appurtenances unto my said Daughter Barbara her heirs and Assigns forever. And I value and Appraise the said Land to her or them at and for the sum of Three hundred and Ten pounds Current Money of Pennsylvania and to be Charged against her as part of her share out of my Estate.”
  2. Henry Hoover household, 1810 United States Census, Rockingham County, Virginia, page 4; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the third census of the United States, 1810, Virginia” (http://archive.org/ : accessed 11 Oct 2013); citing National Archives micropublication M252, roll 67.
  3. Henry Hover household, 1820 United States Census, Rockingham County, Virginia, page 140 (stamped); image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the fourth census of the United States, 1820, Virginia” (http://archive.org/stream/populationsc18200139unit#page/n152/mode/1up : accessed 11 Oct 2013); citing National Archives micropublication M33, roll 139.
  4. Henry Hoover household, 1830 United States Census, Rockingham County, Virginia, page 227; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the fifth census of the United States, 1830, Virginia” (http://archive.org/stream/populationsc18300199unit#page/n436/mode/1up : accessed 11 Oct 2013); citing National Archives micropublication M19, roll 199.
  5. Henry Huber household, 1840 United States Census, Rockingham County, Virginia, page 101; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the sixth census of the United States, 1840, Virginia” (http://archive.org/stream/populationsch1840577unit#page/n210/mode/1up : accessed 11 Oct 2013); citing National Archives micropublication M704, roll 577.
  6. Census records are notoriously wrong with ages. It’s smart to allow yourself a couple of years leeway as you build your case.

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, "Henry Hoover of Lancaster County, PA and Rockingham County, VA," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 24 Jan 2018 (https://www.krishocker.com/henry-hoover-of-lancaster-county-pa-and-rockingham-county-va/ : accessed 31 Mar 2025).

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