52 Ancestors: Peter Deischer (1793-1861)

Last week I wrote about Joseph Snyder and my search for his father. This week I’m turning my attention to his father-in-law, Peter Deischer of Hereford Township, Berks County, Pennsylvania.

Peter Deischer was born 12 August 1793 and died 23 April 1861.1 He married Maria Trump2 by summer 1815.3 Maria (Trump) Deischer was born 22 August 1791 and died on 10 September 1874 (or 1875).4

The family resided in Hereford Township from 1820 through 1870, where Peter was a farmer. In 1820, the family was enumerated with “Peter Deisher” as the head of household:5

  • 2 males, <10
  • 1 male, 26-45
  • 1 female, <10
  • 1 female, 26-25

Adjoining households in the census list included Jacob Deisher, John Deisher and Henry Trump.

Ten years later, “Peter Deshard” was listed as the head of household and the family included:6

  • 1 male, 10-15
  • 1 male, 30-40
  • 4 females, <5
  • 1 female, 5-10
  • 1 female, 10-15
  • 1 female, 30-40

Nearby households of interest included: Jacob Deshar.

In 1840, “Peter Deisher” was the head of household. It included:7

  • 1 male, 40-50
  • 1 female, <5
  • 2 females, 5-10
  • 2 females, 10-15
  • 2 females, 15-20
  • 1 female, 40-50

Other households of interest on the page include: Jacob Deisher, George Deisher, Charles Deisher, and Michael Trump.

Peter’s household in 1850 had thinned out somewhat. It included:8

  • Peter Deischer, 55, M, Farmer, $1700 in real estate, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Maria Deischer, 56, F, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Amanda Deischer, 17, F, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Elmira M. Schulz, 3, F, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Charles Deischer, 31, M, Farmer, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Barbara Deischer, 25, F, b. in Pennsylvania
  • William Deischer, 10, M, b. in Pennsylvania

In 1860, “Peter Dysher’s” household included:9

  • Peter Dysher, 67, M, Gentleman, $2000 in real estate, $1000 in personal estate, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Mariah [ditto], 68, F, b. in Pennsylvania
  • Elmira [ditto], 12, F, b. in Pennsylvania, attended school within the year

Peter died in 1861. In 1870, Maria (Trump) Deischer was included in Charles Deysher’s dwelling:10

  • Deysher Charles, 53, M, W, Farmer, -, $2266, b. Pennsylvania
  • [Ditto] Barbara, 49, F, W, Keeping house, b. Pennsylvania
  • [Ditto] Charles, 7, M, W, Home, b. Pennsylvania, attended school within the year
  • [Ditto] Sarah, 4, F, W, Home, b. Pennsylvania
  • Deysher Mary, 77, F, W, Keeping house, -, $100, b. Pennsylvania, cannot write

Charles Deischer served as administrator for his parents’ estates. He did not file paperwork until 1875, after his mother’s death.11 There was some dissension in the family about Charles’ handling of the estate—in particular payment for the building of a barn on the farm. Charles expected the estate to pay for it as the farm was not rentable without a barn. His sisters did not recall discussing and approving it and the court was required to step in. As a result, the paperwork includes the names of several of his sisters and their spouses.

Based on the probate and census records, Peter and Maria (Trump) Deischer had children, as follows:

  1. Charles Deisher
  2. Clara Deisher, married Joseph Hallman
  3. Elizabeth Deisher, married David Gery
  4. Mary Deisher, married Everard Roberts
  5. Catharina Deisher, married Solomon Schiffert
  6. Judith Deisher, married Joseph Snyder
  7. Amanda Deisher
  8. Sarah Deisher, married Copeland G. Stichter

It’s possible there were more children born to the couple who did not survive. Church records would be a next step to find out. I’m also wondering if Peter was related to Daniel Deisher/Teysher who can be found in the 1790 and 1800 census records for Hereford Township and if Maria (Trump) Deischer is related to the Henry Trump who was listed just after Peter in the 1820 census. Two tantalizing prospects for additional research. Wonder what I’ll be able to find about them.

Peter and Maria (Trump) Deischer are my 4x great grandparents.

This post is part of an ongoing, blogging challenge entitled 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, created by Amy Crow of No Story Too Small. Participants must write about one ancestor every week. This is my eighth 52 Ancestors post and part of week seven.


  1. Peter Deischer gravestone, Find a Grave, Inc., Findagrave.com, digital image (http://www.findagrave.com : accessed 9 Feb 2014), digital image “Gravestone for Peter Deischer (1793-1861), Memorial No. 31613289, Records of Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Old Zionsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania;” photo © Kitty Pherson.
  2. Pennsylvania, Department of Health, Bureau of Vital Statistics, death certificate no 46877 (1906), Judith Snyder;  Division of Vital Records, New Castle, Pennsylvania.
  3. Peter and Maria’s son Charles was born in March 1816 and they were most likely married at least nine months prior to that.
  4. Maria Trump Deischer gravestone, Find a Grave, Inc., Findagrave.com, digital image (http://www.findagrave.com : accessed 9 Feb 2014), digital image “Gravestone for Maria Trump Deischer (1791-1874), Memorial No. 31613620, Records of Zions Evangelical Lutheran Church Cemetery, Old Zionsville, Lehigh County, Pennsylvania;” photo © Kitty Pherson; The gravestone has a date of 1874, but the probate file indicates that she died in 1875.
  5. Peter Deisher household, 1820 United States Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Hereford Township, page 174; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the fourth census o the United States, 1820, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationsc18200099unit#page/n171/mode/1up : accessed 1 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M33, roll 99.
  6. Peter Deshare household, 1830 United states Federal Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Hereford Township, page 266, line 3; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the fifth census of the United States, 1830, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationsc18300143unit#page/n538/mode/1up : accessed 9 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M19, roll 143.
  7. Peter Deisher household, 1840 United States Federal Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, Hereford Township, page 438, line 6; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the sixth census of the United States, 1840, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationsc18400438unit#page/n349/mode/1up : accessed 18 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M704, roll 438.
  8. Peter Deischer household, 1850 United States Federal Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Hereford Township, Page 46B, Dwelling 139, Family 148, Lines 32-38; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the seventh census of the United States, 1850, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationschedu0753unix#page/n307/mode/1up : accessed 18 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M432, roll 753.
  9. Peter Dysher household, 1860 United States Federal Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, post office: Dale, Hereford Township, page 320, dwelling 519, family 617; image, Internet Archives, “Population schedules of the eighth census of the United States, 1860, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationschedu1073unix#page/n322/mode/1up : accessed 18 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M653, roll 1073.
  10. Charles Deysher household, 1870 United States Census, Berks County, Pennsylvania, population schedule, Hereford Township, page 353A, dwelling 180, family 191; image, Internet Archive, “Population schedules of the ninth census of the United States, 1870, Pennsylvania” (https://archive.org/stream/populationschedu1305unit#page/n715/mode/1up : accessed 18 Feb 2014); citing NARA micropublication M593, roll 1305.
  11. Berks County, Pennsylvania, probate file, Peter Deisher (1875), Affadavit of death, 20 Sep 1875; “Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994,” images, FamilySearch (https://www.familysearch.org/search/ : accessed 9 Feb 2014).

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, "52 Ancestors: Peter Deischer (1793-1861)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 30 Jul 2017 (https://www.krishocker.com/52-ancestors-peter-deischer-1793-1861/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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