52 Ancestors: Daniel Bobb Jr. (1781-1866)

52 Ancestors - Daniel Bobb Jr. (1780-1866)This week’s ancestor is Daniel Bobb Jr., father-in-law of #18 Henry Moyer Eshbach.

Daniel Bobb Jr. of Washington Township, Berks County was the son of  Daniel Bobb of Hereford Township. He was born Wednesday, 26 July 1781 in Berks County and died Tuesday, 27 February 1866.1 He was buried in Hill Union Church cemetery in Boyertown. Like his father, Daniel was a miller by trade.

Daniel married on Sunday, 7 July 1805 Anna Margaret Herb in Oley Hills, Berk County.2 She was the daughter of Abraham and Anna Sybilla (Fuchs) Herb of Hereford Township.3 She was born on 1 January 17834, died on 21 December 1865, and was buried in Hill Union Church cemetery.5

Daniel wrote his last will and testament on Friday, 16 February 1866 and it was proven on Thursday, 15 March that same year.6 It names his nine children:

I give and bequeath all my estate…in nine equal shares to my nine children…one ninth to my son Henry, one ninth to my son Daniel, one ninth to my son John, one ninth to my son Abraham, one ninth to the children of my deceased son William, one ninth to the children of my deceased daughter Lydia, one ninth to my daughter Mary the wife of Henry Reitnauer, one ninth to my daughter Sally the wife of Jacob Christman, and one ninth to my daughter Elizabeth.

Daniel and his wife Anna Margaret (Herb) Bobb had children:

  1. Catherine Lydia Bobb Eshbach (1805—1859)
  2.  Anna Bobb (1807—1829)
  3.  Henry Bobb (1809—1891)
  4.  Daniel H. Bobb (1810—1891)
  5.  Johannes “John” H. Bobb (1813—1900)
  6.  Mary Bobb Reitnauer (ca 1815-1820—?)
  7.  Abraham H. Bobb (1816—1906)
  8.  William H. Bobb (1819—1865)
  9.  Sarah H. Bobb Christman (1821—1910)
  10.  Elizabeth Bobb (1826—aft 1870)

This post is part of an ongoing, blogging challenge entitled 52 Ancestors in 52 Weeks, created by Amy Crow of No Story Too Small. Participants must write about one ancestor every week. This is my nineteenth 52 Ancestors post and part of week thirty-one.


  1. Daniel Bobb gravestone, Find a Grave, Inc., Findagrave.com, digital image (http://www.findagrave.com : accessed 1 Feb 2014), digital image “Gravestone for Daniel Bobb (1781-1866), Memorial No. 86169638, Records of Hill Church Union Cemetery, Boyertown, Berks County, Pennsylvania;” image © Laura Heebner.
  2. Daniel Bobb and Anna Herb, 1805, “Pennsylvania, Marriages, 1709-1940,” index, FamilySearch (https://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.1.1/V26P-G83 : accessed 01 Feb 2014).
  3. Berks County, Pennsylvania, Will Book D2:65, Abraham Harp, 13 Dec 1813; digital images, FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (http://www.familysearch.org/search : accessed 2 Feb 2014); citing Berks County Register of Wills, Reading.
  4. John T. Humphrey, Pennsylvania Births, Berks County 1781-1800 (Humphrey Publications, Washington, D.C., 1998), page 142.
  5. Anna Bobb gravestone, Find a Grave, Inc., Findagrave.com, digital image (http://www.findagrave.com : accessed 1 Feb 2014), digital image “Gravestone for Anna Bobb (1783-1865), Memorial No. 58223083, Records of Hill Church Union Cemetery, Boyertown, Berks County, Pennsylvania;” image © Laura Heebner.
  6. Berks County, Pennsylvania, Estate file, Daniel Bobb, 1866; digital images, FamilySearch.org, Pennsylvania, Probate Records, 1683-1994 (http://www.familysearch.org/search : accessed 1 Feb 2014); citing Berks County Register of Wills, Reading.

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, "52 Ancestors: Daniel Bobb Jr. (1781-1866)," A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy, the genealogy & family research site of Kris Hocker, modified 4 Aug 2014 (https://www.krishocker.com/52-ancestors-daniel-bobb-jr-1781-1866/ : accessed 22 Feb 2025).

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