Welcome to A Pennsylvania Dutch Genealogy
The genealogy and family research site of Kris Hocker
Wishlist for DNA Match Lists
Have you ever been working your AncestryDNA matches and thought, “Gee, I wish I could do…”? I bet you have; I know I do quite frequently. What would you wish for to make your workflow easier or better?
Here are five things I would like to be able to do.

Marriages and Death Notices
from the Harrisburg Chronicle, 1820-1834
Newspapers can be an invaluable source of historical information to put our ancestors’ lives in context. But they can also provide direct content, such as BDM—birth, death, and marriage—dates, about our ancestors, too. This compilation is a useful resource for the family genealogist with ancestors who lived in Dauphin or the surrounding counties in the very early 1800s. It includes an every name index in the print version.